Safe Routes to School Program

Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) initiates Call for Projects for Transportation Alternative Set-Aside and Safe Routes to School (TASA/SRTS) funding to support bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure improvements, and TGC remains active in developing competitive applications for our client base. TGC has assembled numerous governmental agencies on this opportunity and facilitated applications for various clients.

TGC engineering and environmental staff played an integral role in the delivery of these applications. The primary tasks were developing cost estimates and preparing preliminary engineering schematics and design documentation in accordance with TxDOT specifications. Additional tasks included working with the client to identify and refine requirements, obtaining letters of support from elected officials, organizations and residents, coordinating utility accommodations and prospective easements, and attending public hearings to present project plans.

As part of the environmental review, TGC completed the TxDOT scoping process for the project. This included preliminary analysis of impacts to air quality, cultural resources, community resources, water resources, biological resources, hazardous materials sites, traffic, Section 4(f) and 6(f) resources, and determining the anticipated environmental classification.


Sectors: Transportation Safety Analysis; Transportation Modeling & Traffic Analysis; Environmental; Roadway & Infrastructure Design; Intergovernmental Relations & Funding Pursuit; Bicycle & Pedestrian Facilities

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